Friday, February 28, 2014

I Am Winter

The retreat I attended recently has inspired me to write more so I've been trying to set aside time each night to be creative. Whether that becomes a song, a story, some prose or poetry I guess I don't really care. The point is to get my mind into a creative space more often. Here's a little piece about winter... or maybe seasonal affective disorder... You be the judge. Enjoy!


I am winter.
The skin of my hands is dry and burning,
the bones inside them aching...
My heart and my hope are fixed upon spring,
but everything around and within
is cold and dark and ultimately lonely.

I am winter.
There is hope, or at least there was I thought
for one brief moment when the sunshine wrought
the clouds, until they reformed ranks and fired in return.
The sun cannot match this cold assassin,
his distance seems his fatal mistake.

I am winter.
It creeps upon me with such stealth and cunning,
easing it’s way into my heart…
The trees seem to glow encased in its beauty
Until their groaning is heard while listening closely
and you come to realize they’re dying..

I am winter.
You know me well so just settle in
Your heart my home, my cold your sin
My life your death, My death your life
Pray for spring, or grow bitter within
God help us, will winter ever end?

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