Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm taking to the airwaves...

That's right folks, you can now hear me on 91.3 WCSG in west Michigan. Yesterday morning at 7am they started playing my song "Lift Up Your Eyes". I immediately started getting calls from co-workers and friends saying, "dude, your song is on the radio!" Needless to say it was a surreal and amazing moment to hear myself over the radio. Then they kept playing the song. They ended up playing it 3 or 4 times. It was an awesome day. I sent out lots of emails to tell people, and I got emails from people telling me they heard it. It was very cool.

The coolest part of my day came in the form of an email from the station manager at WCSG. He basically explained how much he and the staff at the radio station enjoyed the cd and are putting it into their regular rotation for the next 8 - 10 weeks! Crazy! And they want me to come into the studio sometime with my guitar to talk about the cd and to play some of the songs. I don't even know what to think about all this happening so fast other than, praise God, this is amazing! Even if nothing more comes out of this, it's been a great day and I thank God for it. How many people can say a song they wrote is getting airtime on a pretty popular radio station? Not many. I have been feeling for a while now that I really want to move forward with music and get really serious about it. Hopefully this is what gets it rolling. I can't wait to see where God leads me here. I really, really hope that this day gets some wheels under it and things start rolling.

Oh yeah, big thanks to Topher at WCSG for getting my cd in front of the people that mattered their to get it on the air. Thanks to Andy Ferris for recording for me.
So now I need people to call in and request the song. Get me the hook up folks! Start calling and requesting the song "Lift Up Your Eyes". Even if you don't listen the station. Just call and request it or call and tell them how much you liked that song, whatever. Help a brother out.

Our God is an amazing God! I can't thank Him enough for putting me in the position I am in. He has for whatever reason chosen to bless me beyond my worth. I can not thank Him enough.

So what do I do now? I gotta get my act together and get some shows, put a band together, and start getting really serious about this stuff. I am super pumped. Big day!!! ("how about one more exclamation point? no, doesn't need it? ok. " - Flight Of The Conchords reference there for anyone who caught it.)

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm about 2 months late reading your blog...but congrats on all your recent success. I LOVE listening to you sing and play at Ada Bible. And now I can hear you on the radio Monday- Saturday too! SWEET!

    And I totally get your reference to Flight of the Concords. I thought I was the only one that watched that show :)
